Myths about migraine we need to bust  

When you are having a nice, happy and joyful day, the last thing you’d want is a migraine to ruin it. Yes, you can call... The post Myths about migraine we need to bust   appeared first on HEALTHIANS BLOG. The post Myths about migraine we need to bust   appeared first on HEALTHIANS BLOG.

Myths about migraine we need to bust  

When you are having a nice, happy and joyful day, the last thing you’d want is a migraine to ruin it. Yes, you can call migraines, “buzzkill”, “the party pooper” and whatnot – basically everything that kills your mood and ruins your day. 

It is undeniable that life is hard for those suffering from migraines. A speck of blinding lights, an abrupt onslaught of ear-splitting noise, or a brief gust of chilly air, are enough to kickstart migraines. These common triggers are a fact, but what about those myriad myths hiding in plain sight? Yes, migraine is a common medical condition, facilitating the creation of myths surrounding it. These myths stem from half-truths. And need we remind you,  a half-truth is far more dangerous than a lie. 

This blog is our attempt to attack these deceiving myths to develop a well-informed approach to understanding and treating migraines. So, if the truth shall prevail, let’s get started, shall we? 

#1 Migraines are just bad headaches

If you’re having a bad headache, it doesn’t mean you have a migraine. An episode of migraine can include a bad headache, but it doesn’t mean every bad headache is migraine. 

Not to mention, migraines can also result in nausea, vomiting, dizziness and vertigo, depending on the type. Headaches are just a common symptom of migraine. Surprisingly, in some cases, people don’t even experience headaches but other symptoms listed above. 

#2 A diet plan can cure migraine 

You’ll find a thousand diets on the internet that claim they can cure migraine. Just so you know, it’s not true. There is no specific diet in the universe that can cure migraine. However, if your migraine is triggered by a particular food item, then avoiding it can certainly help. For instance, for some people, chocolate is a trigger for migraine. Any diet devoid of chocolate will definitely help in this particular instance. 

Please remember that migraine is deeply rooted in your genetic predisposition, and there is no cure. There are, however, treatment plans that can help manage migraine symptoms. 

#3 An on-the-counter medicine can cure migraines

Please note, that over-the-counter medicines can help with the pain, but there is no medicine that can cure your migraine. 

That being said, even if you take a headache medicine, it may or may not provide relief. What we mean is, that what may work for somebody, may not work for you. This means if a friend of yours comes claiming that this particular over-the-counter medicine worked for them, there is no guarantee that the same will work for you. 

The best thing to do here is to consult a doctor who will formulate a customised treatment plan to help control the symptoms. 

#4 If it doesn’t start with an aura, it’s not migraine 

Migraine aura manifests as visual disturbances that people experience before the onset of other migraine symptoms. Migraine aura is common in some people but it may not necessarily occur before other migraine symptoms all the time. Not to mention, the symptoms of the aura phase of an attack may also differ from person to person. 

#5 You cannot prevent migraines 

One common misconception about migraines is that they are entirely unpredictable and unavoidable. While it’s true that some triggers might be difficult to control, there are numerous preventive measures individuals can take to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. These can include lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, managing stress levels, and identifying and avoiding specific triggers. Additionally, medications and alternative therapies tailored to migraine prevention can also be effective for many individuals.

#6: Chocolate and caffeine always trigger migraines

Do you happen to be a chocolate and caffeine lover? If yes and you are avoiding both of them just because somebody told you they can trigger migraine, you need to pause. 

While it’s commonly believed that chocolate and caffeine are common migraine triggers, the reality is more nuanced. While these substances can trigger migraines in some individuals, they may not affect others at all. Moreover, the quantity consumed and individual tolerance levels play significant roles. For some migraine sufferers, small amounts of caffeine might even provide relief. Understanding personal triggers through tracking and consulting with a healthcare professional can help distinguish between myth and reality regarding chocolate and caffeine’s role in migraines.

Closing thoughts 

As we debunk these migraine myths, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience is unique. While misunderstandings may linger, learning more about migraines can help manage migraine better – whether it’s realising that prevention is possible or understanding that chocolate and caffeine aren’t always the enemy.  

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