Readers ask about glowing bat toes and a rare particle decay

Toe-tally mysterious Hairs on the toes of Mexican free-tailed bats light up under ultraviolet light, but the reason is unknown, Jason Bittel reported in “Mexican free-tailed bats’ toes glow in the dark” (SN: 8/28/24). Reader Eleanor Peterson asked if the glowing toes might attract prey. It is unlikely, but it is a logical thought, says […]

Readers ask about glowing bat toes and a rare particle decay
Toe-tally mysterious Hairs on the toes of Mexican free-tailed bats light up under ultraviolet light, but the reason is unknown, Jason Bittel reported in “Mexican free-tailed bats’ toes glow in the dark” (SN: 8/28/24). Reader Eleanor Peterson asked if the glowing toes might attract prey. It is unlikely, but it is a logical thought, says […]